727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Reflection November 20

Jeremiah 30: 18, 19; Ephesians 1: 15, 16; Colossians 1:11-13. Thanksgiving in uncertain times In this month’s The Atlantic  Sarah Boxer has an article about women artists and she makes the point that what can make an artist… Read More

Reflection November 13

Isaiah 65: 21,23,24; Luke 21:6 From despondency to hope I have always respected the law in this country of separation of church and state.  Pastors are not supposed to endorse political candidates.   However, pastors are supposed to comment… Read More

Reflection November 6

Psalm 145:21; Haggai 2:2, 3a; Luke 20:39 The Power of the Spoken Word How are you?  How are you doing this morning?  I know one thing you don’t want to hear about is the election.  Why do we… Read More

Reflection October 30

Habakkuk 2: 1-2; Luke 19:4. Scanning the horizon Have you ever found yourself in a situation where everything seemed to be going badly and you wished you could catch a break, but it just wouldn’t come?  Perhaps you… Read More

Reflection October 23

Luke 18: 10,13,14; 2 Timothy 4:7 Our best for the world Friends, in the lectionary readings for today there are lessons for how to live life spiritually.  First we have the parable Jesus tells of the Pharisee and… Read More

Reflection October 16

Jeremiah 31: 34; 2 Timothy 3: 14; 4: 4,5; Luke 18: 5 Wandering into myths There is a pervasive myth in Northern Ireland that part of it is a land of giants. There is even a rocky part… Read More

Reflection October 9

Psalm 66:12; Jeremiah 29:5 & 7; Luke 17:18 Strangers in the City About three weeks ago, Eddie Fong and some of his friends from our church helped prepare a meal for the visiting health care workers from Indonesia…. Read More