727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Reflection June 14, 2015

I Samuel 15: 9-12; Mark 4:26-34 The Great Sower Last week we talked about power seen and unseen.  We learned that the Bible teaches us that God prefers invisible power to work in our lives.  We learned that… Read More

Reflection June 7

I Samuel 8: 4-11 ; 2 Corinthians 4: 16-18 Power seen and unseen The texts in Old Testament and New Testament lead us to a contrast between power that is visible and power that is invisible.  Samuel is… Read More

Reflection May 31

John 3:1-17; Romans 8: 14 Human spirit and Holy Spirit Our two lectionary texts for today address the call to the spiritual life.  We read the words of Jesus and the words of the Apostle Paul.  These words… Read More

Reflection May 24 Pentecost

John 15: 26-27; Acts 2:1-21 The many languages of the Spirit There is a story I once shared with you of an old fashioned lady who wanted to spend a few days camping in Florida. She was, however,… Read More

Reflection May 17

John 17, 7-9; Acts 1: 15-18 Let it sink in Last week I quoted to you from the writer Arundhati Roy where she in her novel the “God of Small Things”(p. 33) writes…Christianity seeped into (note: her home… Read More

Reflection May 10

John 15: 9-17; I John 5: 2,3 The mothering gap On Mother’s day we tend to get into this celebration and demonstration of motherly love.  This is good.   People need to be more grateful for the people who… Read More

Reflection May 3

John 15:1-8; Acts 8:29-31 A grace delivery system I think you would agree that overall our treatment of animals is becoming more humane.   There is a well known saying for politicians and bureaucrats:”If you want a friend in… Read More