727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Reflection April 19

Luke 24:38-41; I John 3:1 Seen for who we are To some degree we are all fictional characters.  We construct a story of ourselves that others might be impressed with and that we can live with.  We also… Read More

Reflection April 12

John 20: 24-26; Acts 4: 34, 35 The pendulum of faith Nowhere do we see the swing of faith more as between Easter and the second Sunday of the Easter season of the Church.  Easter is our high… Read More

Reflection March 29 Palm Sunday

Isaiah 50: 7,8; Mark: 11: 1-11 Dark side of the reign The body of King Richard III of England was reburied at Leicester Cathedral last week.  It brought out all the pomp the British are so good at:… Read More

Reflection March 22

John 12: 27; Hebrews 5: 5-8 Jesus at His second most vulnerable In today’s verse in John, Jesus is at His second most vulnerable. As a baby with no place to go, on the run with his parents… Read More

Reflection March 15

John 3: 16, 17, Ephesians 2:8,9,10 Relax and focus Last week I was looking for the scores of the European champions league in soccer on the sports channel. I know you are just as concerned about those as… Read More

Reflection March 8

John 2: 15; I Corinthians 1: 20-23 When foolish is wise You and I assume that foolishness  is always bad, but the Bible begs to differ.   The Apostle Paul tells us that foolishness can be good.  So maybe… Read More

Reflection March 1

Mark 8: 34-37; Romans 4: 23-25   The things we hold on to and the things we let go What do think of when you say the word “sacrifice?”  Feeling kind of uncomfortable, are you?  Is it because… Read More