727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Reflection August 17, 2014

Genesis 45: 4,5; Matthew 15: 22-28 An outsider’s view Cabdrivers in Washington DC see often drive from National airport along to Potomac and the Iwo Jima memorial to Arlington.  They drive along the George Washington Parkway.  When a… Read More

Reflection August 3, 2014

Genesis 32: 26-30: Psalm 17: 1-3  Struggle and wisdom There is a comedy show that features a skit called “what’s up with that.”  The talk show hosts winds up asking celebrity guests inane questions, but before they can… Read More

Reflection July 27

Genesis 29: 20, 25-28; Matthew 13: 31,32 Into the woods Today I want to do something unusual: take the message of a musical and see what we can learn for our faith.   I believe the musical “into the… Read More

Reflection July 13

Psalm 1: Matthew 13: 20, 22, 23 Soil samples The texts for today give us a lot of nature metaphors.  Jesus talks about different kinds of soil where seeds can fall.   The point is that people can be… Read More

Reflection July 6

Matthew 11: 16-19; 28; Romans 7: 15, 16 What would people think? Sometimes you’re damned if you and sometimes you’re damned if you don’t.  Sometimes we try to help but our helping is misinterpreted or considered too little,… Read More

Reflection June 29

Genesis 22: 3-12; Matthew 10: 40, 42 The spectrum of sacrifice When I was living in Hawaii one summer many years ago a book that was very popular there was a book about the Japanese immigrants in Hawaii… Read More

Reflection June 22

Genesis 21: 9-19; Matthew 10: 29-31 Counting the Uncounted In the documentary a people uncounted the story is told of the Roma people- Gypsies- as we know them.  There are several reality shows that show the life, especially… Read More