727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Reflection January 5

Genesis 1: 1-3; John 1: 10-18 Incarnation We have talked about the first three verses about the Bible and the first chapter of the Gospel of John.  We saw that while Matthew, Mark and Luke in their Gospels… Read More

Reflection December 29

Isaiah 63:7-9; Mathew 2:12-15 We do not hear about the Coptic Christians of Egypt very much in this country.  We think of Egypt as Muslim and Islam is the religion of the majority. But Egypt had one of… Read More

Reflection December 22 Christmas

Isaiah 7: 13,14,15; Luke 2: 1, 3-7 Scarcity In the summer of 1980 I was working as a fulltime youth director at a church in one of the wealthiest part of the Silicon Valley.  I had an advanced… Read More

Reflection December 15

Isaiah 35: 3-5; Matthew 11: 7-10 Feeble knees and uncomfortable clothes Our texts tell the truth about our lives. They are a kind of mirror.  Isaiah talks about weak hands and feeble knees and how they must be… Read More

Reflection December 1

Isaiah 21: 1-4, Romans 13:11-12 Dawn or Dusk thinking? Both Isaiah and Romans paint a picture of the dawning if a new age.  As such they are perfect Advent passages.  We go into a new church year today,… Read More

Reflection November 24

Jeremiah 30: 18, 19; Ephesians 1: 15, 16; Colossians 1:11-13 Thanksgiving as discipline Today is our annual Thanksgiving service.  So it is our job to tie our faith and gratitude to our life and how we live it. … Read More

Reflection November 17

Isaiah 65: 17, 21-24; Luke 21: 5,6 Is the ordinary really ordinary? Dear friends, Ordinary time the lectionary calls it.  Ordinary time.  Our time is ordinary. And we are about to leave ordinary time for advent.  That’s odd. … Read More