727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Reflection September 8

Jeremiah 18:1-6; Philemon 10-12 What shapes us ?  We have just talked about we are molded by the forces in our world. There are ethnicity, religious tradition, popular culture, family dynamics, language, peer influence, television and movies. Someone… Read More

Reflection September 1

Luke 14; 7-11, 12, 13 What keeps us from humility? Some passages are very complicated, but the readings for today seem very straightforward.   Jesus talks about humility.  “When you are invited to a banquet, do not sit in… Read More

Reflection August 25

Jeremiah 4:1-9; Hebrew 12:28, 29 Experiencing calling   Last week the sermon was a bit of a downer perhaps.  We talked about what our Bible texts had to say about our inability to show judgment in caring for… Read More

Reflection August 11

Isaiah1:18,19 ; Hebrews 11: 1-3; 8.9,10 Revisiting Faith Today our lectionary brings us the beautiful texts In Hebrews about faith.  It contains one of the most stunning lines ever written about a subject that have ever been written. … Read More

Reflection August 4

Psalm 107:1-5,7,8,43; Hosea 11: 1-11 A smitten God I watched with great admiration how the youth group with the help of April, Ben and Wade ran the vacation Bible School program.  As you have heard, they built a… Read More

Reflection July 28

Hosea 1: 6-10; Luke 11: 11,12, 13 The good and bad in all of us In the Masterpiece Master mystery episode of a few weeks ago, young Inspector Endeavour Morse of the Oxford England police stands on the… Read More

Reflection July 14

Amos: 7:7.8; Luke 10: 29-35 The truth about helping Jesus tells the well known story of the Good Samaritan in response to the question from a lawyer:” who is my neighbor?” Today we ask a related question and… Read More