Job 38; Isaiah 26: 4; Jeremiah 17: 4-6, 12-14; John 10: 22-30 Trust issues I believe that in our day and age we face a real crisis of trust. Let’s start with a question: how can we trust… Read More
John 21: 1-19; Acts 9:1-6 Encounters with Jesus Life is full of strange encounters. A number of years back when we were traveling through Morocco, we met a young man named Abdul. If you are traveling in a… Read More
John 20: 1-19: Acts 5:37-42 What can your hands do? Dear friends Today we have our annual encounter with the Thomas story. So I thought I would do something different this time. Instead of talking about doubt, I… Read More
Isaiah 65: 17-25; John 20: 1-18 The Resurrection Outlook Are you a glass half full or a glass half empty kind of person? In other words when life is not perfect but also not terrible, which is the… Read More
Luke 13: 31-35; Philippians 3: 18-20 Getting our house in order Last we talked about spiritual housecleaning. Today we continue with our house metaphor. While last week we started thinking about the stuff in our garages and the… Read More
Joel 2: 12-16a; Luke 4: 1,2 Spiritual Spring cleaning Dear friends, Let’s talk about Spring cleaning. It’s a little early, but the weather seems to be warming up slightly. Can you think of things you would like… Read More
Posted: May 2, 2013 by Aart
Reflection April 28
Acts: 11: 1-18; Revelation 21: 1-6 A new way of seeing What is that you and I do that really matters? Have you asked yourself that? We have all have our assumptions about what matters, but chances are… Read More