Proverbs 22: 1,2; James 2: 1-10,14,17 Today we talk about character, how we judge it and we show it and how the two are related. James criticizes his readers for honoring the wealthy and well-adorned in church, but… Read More
Mark 7: 6,7,8; James 1: 22-27 A bunch of young people are getting settled in a bar and about to order some drinks. One of the guys who usually not that talkative starts a monologue as one of… Read More
Exodus 3: 10-14; Ephesians 4: 1-3 There is set of really funny commercials for Dos Equis beer that features “the most interesting man in the world. He is so interesting that supposedly even his enemies list him as… Read More
Genesis 37, Ruth 1 During our Hawaiian Sunday series we have looked at the largest circle of respect for the land known as malama ka ‘aina and to a smaller circle of the people and how they treat… Read More
Amos 5: 23, 24; Ephesians 4: 11-16 We continue our series of reflections on Hawaiian concepts as they relate to our faith and the Biblical text. Last week we looked at the idea of respecting the land and… Read More
Matthew 6:25-27; Genesis 1: 27-31 The last three weeks we have taken a theological journey along highway 80 and beyond, looking at faith and leadership in the past, faith and sense of space, faith and spiritual perspectives of… Read More
Posted: October 2, 2012 by Aart
Reflection September 16
Proverbs 1: 20-33; James 3:1-12 Today we continue our journey through the Epistle of James. On the first Sunday of September we heard James tell us that we forget who we are as Christians and don’t act as… Read More