Acts 3: 12-19; I John 3:1-7 You will have heard the term non-sequitur. In everyday speech, a non sequitur is a statement in which the final part is totally unrelated to the first part. For example: “Life is life and… Read More
Acts 4:32-35; John 20: 19-31 Once again we go from the high of Easter’s joy to the doubt of Thomas. Last week we looked at the story of Easter from the vantage point of science and saw that… Read More
Isaiah 25: 6-9; Mark 16:1-6 It’s Easter again, one of the two most important dates of the Christian calendar. Easter is so big that even those who are not interested in the faith message ride along with it… Read More
Dear friends, Today’s messages are tied together by one theme, the theme of a painful rebirth. In Jeremiah, the prophet talks about the rebirth of God’s covenant with the people. A covenant is a moral contract between God… Read More
Dear friends, Today our lectionary readings present two texts that at first glance seem to be in perfect harmony with each other. We find them in the Gospel of John and in the Epistle to the Ephesians. They… Read More
Dear friends, The anger of Jesus in the lectionary verses of today makes us beg the question: what is the sincere Christian to do about anger? A few years ago a disturbed man, and –ironically- a member of… Read More
Posted: May 16, 2012 by Aart
Reflection April 29
Acts 4:5-12; 1 John 3:16-24 Last week I was in Davis and as I walked through the center of town, just past the organic coffee shop. A tall man –I guess he was in his forties- stood silently… Read More