Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Thessalonians 5:16-18
We are thrilled that you’ve decided to be part of our team!
Joining the Prayer Team is so simple! Read the Prayer Team Member Promise below, then tell us a little about yourself. Expect a welcome call from one of our Prayer Team facilitators for a quick orientation and to get answers to your questions.
Our Prayer Team Member Promise
In the Presence of God, I promise that: I will pray on my own time and as many times as I feel led on the prayer needs shared with our Prayer Team. I will use the information I receive through our Prayer Team only for prayer. I will respect the confidentiality of personal information.
Your Contact Information
The below information will only be used for the Prayer Team’s purposes and will not be shared with any third party.
Sundays 10:00 – 11:00 am
In Person: mask optional. Click here for info.
Via Zoom: click here to join online.
Prayer Requests
What is your prayer need? Being specific will help us focus our prayers.
Support Parkview
Thank your for your generosity in helping us to serve God and others. Use the “Notes” section to make any special requests or to provide extra information. You have the option of using a credit card or bank transfer.
Location/Office Hours
727 T Street
Sacramento, CA 95811
Church Office Hours: by appointment until further notice. Email or call 916.443.4464 and leave a message.
Join Our Team
We are thrilled that you’ve decided to be part of our team!
Joining the Prayer Team is so simple! Read the Prayer Team Member Promise below, then tell us a little about yourself. Expect a welcome call from one of our Prayer Team facilitators for a quick orientation and to get answers to your questions.
Our Prayer Team Member Promise
In the Presence of God, I promise that:
I will pray on my own time and as many times as I feel led on the prayer needs shared with our Prayer Team.
I will use the information I receive through our Prayer Team only for prayer. I will respect the confidentiality of personal information.
Your Contact Information
The below information will only be used for the Prayer Team’s purposes and will not be shared with any third party.
Sundays 10:00 – 11:00 am
In Person: mask optional. Click here for info.
Via Zoom: click here to join online.
Prayer Requests
What is your prayer need? Being specific will help us focus our prayers.
Support Parkview
Thank your for your generosity in helping us to serve God and others. Use the “Notes” section to make any special requests or to provide extra information. You have the option of using a credit card or bank transfer.
Location/Office Hours
727 T Street
Sacramento, CA 95811
Church Office Hours: by appointment until further notice. Email or call 916.443.4464 and leave a message.