727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Safe Sanctuary Policy for Children and Youth
(Implementation Summary Approved by Session in February 2018)


As a community of Christian faith, Parkview Presbyterian Church is committed to creating and maintaining programs, facilities and a community in which members, friends, staff and volunteers can worship, learn and work together in an atmosphere free from all forms of discrimination, harassment, exploitation or intimidation. The congregation of Parkview PC supports principles of Safe Conduct, which include individual responsibility to fulfill the highest standards of personal conduct toward others and to lead and guide the congregation in fulfillment of the standards set by our Christian faith. Parkview Presbyterian Church strongly opposes and prohibits “sexual exploitation”, “sexual harassment” or any form of exploitation or abuse of others regardless of age, sex, sexual orientation, sexual identification or mental capacity. It is the intention of our congregation to affirmatively nurture good behavior, and to prevent and correct behavior that is contrary to this policy and, as necessary, discipline those persons who violate this policy. Every member of the Congregation, whether “authorized clergy”, leader, lay staff, volunteer or parent, has a role to lead those who look to them individually for guidance, to monitor their behavior and redirect them as they cross boundaries of safe conduct. Our congregation shall nurture good conduct as demonstrated by personal behaviors that are consistent with our Christian values. As we might conduct an orchestra, we shall guide and lead in ministry.


  • Staff will provide an annual orientation for teachers, volunteers, and parents, which must be completed in person (preferred) or via email for all participants in our Sunday School and youth programs.
  • Pastoral staff will offer parents a curriculum for teaching for children about abuse prevention. Staff may offer this training to children with parental permission.
  • Field trips require advance pastor’s approval, parent permission slip forms, and driver forms.
  • Facial pictures of minors are not allowed in our Parkview Facebook group and will not be featured on our Parkviewpc.org website.
  • The full Safe Sanctuary Policy can be viewed in full in the church manual. It includes procedures for investigating misconduct allegations, reporting abuse, and terminating church staff and volunteers for noncompliance.

Teacher Agreements

  • All teachers will be background checked. The pastor keeps these cleared background checks in a confidential file.
  • Teachers must be over 18 years of age. Youth may volunteer to teach children if supervised by an adult over the age of 21.
  • No teacher may ever be alone with one child or youth, including while providing transportation or help with toileting.
  • If only one teacher is available for multiple children or youth, the children or youth must be a classroom area that can be openly viewed (door open) by passers-by.
  • Children shall not enter bathrooms unsupervised.
  • All staff, teachers and youth group leaders agree to follow the Code of Conduct.

Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct defines individual responsibilities as Ministers, leaders, employees or
volunteers to meet the expectations of Parkview PC with respect to behavior or conduct in
the service of the ministries of the church, especially those which serve children and
“vulnerable adults”.

General Requirements: Each person subject to this Code shall

  • Act as a team member in fulfilling ministry objectives
  • Treat children and “vulnerable adults” (clients) with respect, and fairly without regard to race, age, gender, sexual orientation or religion
  • Practice those behaviors we regard as necessary and positive as well as to refrain from those behaviors which have been defined as prohibited.

General Prohibitions: The following behaviors are prohibited at all times:

  • Display affection toward a child/client in privacy.
  • Use profanity or tell off-color jokes.
  • Discuss their sexual encounters with or around children or in any way involve children in their personal problems or issues.
  • Date or become romantically involved with children.
  • Use or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs in the presence of children.
  • Possess sexually oriented materials, including printed or online pornography, at church.
  • Have secrets with clients
  • Stare at or comment on children’s bodies.
  • Engage in inappropriate or unapproved electronic communication with children.
  • Work one-on-one with children in a private setting.
  • Abuse clients in anyway including (but not limited to) the following:
    • Physical abuse: hit, spank, shake, slap, unnecessarily restrain
    • Verbal abuse: degrade, threaten, curse
    • Sexual abuse: inappropriately touch, expose oneself, or engage in sexually oriented
    • Mental abuse: shame, humiliate, act cruelly
    • Neglect: withhold food, water, shelter
    • Permit children to engage in the following: Hazing, bullying, derogatory name calling, games of Truth or Dare, ridicule or humiliation or sexual activity
    • Manipulate or exploit a “vulnerable adult” in any way