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Tag: devotional

May 2, 2020: A Prayer for the Critical

If there is one thing we all need now, it is compassion. Compassion for ourselves. Compassion for others. Compassion from others. Unfortunately, when stress is high, compassion can be hard to come by. We may find ourselves being… Read More

Apr 25, 2020: Common Prayer

One of my friends got me into something called “Common Prayer”. I know, this must sound about as nerdy as it gets. Instead of getting into Game of Thrones or Tiger King, I got into common prayer. But… Read More

Apr 11, 2020: Living in Holy Saturday

Every Holy Week, I think of the reflection (cited below) on Holy Saturday by James Martin, SJ. I first heard about it from a friend in college. “We are living in Holy Saturday”. Out of the three days… Read More

Apr 8, 2020: Spy Wednesday

John 13:21-32 After saying this Jesus was troubled in spirit, and declared, “Very truly, I tell you, one of you will betray me.” The disciples looked at one another, uncertain of whom he was speaking. One of his… Read More

Apr 5, 2020: Evening Prayer

Ordinarily, we try to post our devotionals every day before noon. Devotionals are a wonderful way to start our day with a word from scripture or a prayer. It can give us the inspiration we need to face… Read More

April 2, 2020: Our Babylonian Captivity

Psalm 137:1-3 By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept    when we remembered Zion.There on the poplars    we hung our harps,for there our captors asked us for songs,    our tormentors demanded songs of joy;    they said, “Sing us one of the songs… Read More

March 28, 2020: Happy Sabbath!

John 9:13-16 Today is Saturday. For some traditions it is Sabbath. Last week Pastor Pamela talked about rest and Sabbath. Jesus cared about the Sabbath, he kept the Jewish tradition. Let’s not let any stories trick us into… Read More