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Tag: Jesus

“I Thank My God” by Rev. Dr. Pamela Anderson

June 3, 2020: The Jesus Blessing

The following is a reading from the Gospel of Matthew. As we take in the words of Jesus, notice which words are hard to read. Notice which words are a balm to the soul. How do we see… Read More

May 24, 2020: Carried Up

Luke 24:44-53 A friend of mine called me excitedly this week. “Did you hear about the scientists in Antarctica who discovered a parallel universe?” She went on to explain how particle physicists had observed something called a neutrino… Read More

May 20, 2020: A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words

Christian art and iconography can sometimes express what our words cannot. This week, we recognize the ascension of Jesus, a story which is just as strange and amazing as the resurrection, but less commonly known in our mainstream… Read More

Apr 11, 2020: Living in Holy Saturday

Every Holy Week, I think of the reflection (cited below) on Holy Saturday by James Martin, SJ. I first heard about it from a friend in college. “We are living in Holy Saturday”. Out of the three days… Read More

Mar 29, 2020: What Gives Us Life

My friends, we are in the valley of dry bones. Our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost, and we are cut off completely. Cut off from our usual sources of joy and support and entertainment. Cut off from our patterns of community and work and school. Cut off from the systems we have idolized for so long, in which we have put our faith. As we watch these idols fall, now is the time that we see that we need God the most. We have seen our government fail. We have seen corporations fail. Facing this crisis with our human strength alone, I am certain we will fall to despair.

But with the strength of God, we will be raised up from these graves and we shall live! God is breathing a new Spirit into this land. Brothers, sisters, and siblings in Christ, as we feel our breath now more than ever, our Lord is closer to us than our very breath. Our God is the God of resurrection hope, the God of all good, conquering evil, and our promise of salvation, trampling down death by death and giving life even to dry bones.

March 27: The Problem with Heroes

When I was serving as a chaplain at UC Davis last summer, I was drawn back again and again to the words of Psalm 91. “You will not fear the terror of night,     nor the arrow that flies… Read More