Our Prayer Team has been formed with two goals in mind. First, to combine many voices raised in prayer for the needs of our church family, friends, and our local and global communities, especially during this global COVID-19 pandemic! Being part of a prayerful, supportive community can make the journey richer, and more rewarding. Second, to support each other and to strengthen our individual prayer practices.
The Prayer Team Facilitators are Janet Hill and Judy Yee, who may be reached at Prayer@parkviewpc.org.
What does it mean to be a member of the Prayer Team?
NO Experience needed! Just the desire. We will provide training, guidance, and practice. All of us can grow in our prayer practice.
Pray as often and in whatever manner you wish.
Pray from anywhere.
Use Parkview’s Prayer Resource page with prayer samples, training videos, book suggestions, and prayer suggestions
How much time is needed? No more than an hour or two each month, which includes praying for online requests, attending short online meetings and training, reviewing resources, and gathering after church to pray for concerns brought up during the service.
Treat all prayer requests as confidential, being respectful of personal information and privacy. No sharing specific details with others outside of the prayer group.
How Do I Join:
Fill in this form or let us know about your desire to join and ask any questions you might have on prayer@parkview.org
Sundays 10:00 – 11:00 am
In Person: mask optional. Click here for info.
Via Zoom: click here to join online.
Prayer Requests
What is your prayer need? Being specific will help us focus our prayers.
Support Parkview
Thank your for your generosity in helping us to serve God and others. Use the “Notes” section to make any special requests or to provide extra information. You have the option of using a credit card or bank transfer.
Location/Office Hours
727 T Street
Sacramento, CA 95811
Church Office Hours: by appointment until further notice. Email officemanager@parkviewpc.org or call 916.443.4464 and leave a message.
Parkview Prayer Team
Our Prayer Team has been formed with two goals in mind. First, to combine many voices raised in prayer for the needs of our church family, friends, and our local and global communities, especially during this global COVID-19 pandemic! Being part of a prayerful, supportive community can make the journey richer, and more rewarding. Second, to support each other and to strengthen our individual prayer practices.
The Prayer Team Facilitators are Janet Hill and Judy Yee, who may be reached at Prayer@parkviewpc.org.
What does it mean to be a member of the Prayer Team?
How Do I Join:
Fill in this form or let us know about your desire to join and ask any questions you might have on prayer@parkview.org
Sundays 10:00 – 11:00 am
In Person: mask optional. Click here for info.
Via Zoom: click here to join online.
Prayer Requests
What is your prayer need? Being specific will help us focus our prayers.
Support Parkview
Thank your for your generosity in helping us to serve God and others. Use the “Notes” section to make any special requests or to provide extra information. You have the option of using a credit card or bank transfer.
Location/Office Hours
727 T Street
Sacramento, CA 95811
Church Office Hours: by appointment until further notice. Email officemanager@parkviewpc.org or call 916.443.4464 and leave a message.