727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

COVID-19 and Hate Crimes

An Open Letter to All:
We have all watched as the number of cases of COVID-19 have risen in our country and around the world. In times of crisis, we often see the best and the worst of communities. Unfortunately, as fear rises, so does hate. The reports of over a thousand incidents of discrimination against Asian-Americans in the past two weeks alone is staggering, and we weep with those who weep (Rom. 12:15). As always, Parkview stands against racism in any form, leaning on our foundations and mission statement:

To be inclusive: to love, not to judge, to welcome, not reject, to be open to change, not guided by the ways of the past, but looking forward to what will bring greater humanity to the world in the present and the future.

When one of the members of the body of Christ is wounded, the whole body is wounded. As a multicultural congregation with Asian-American heritage and membership, these incidents hit close to home. We are so grateful for the community of faith we have come to love here at Parkview, and now more than ever, it is essential that we reach out to one another.

If you or a loved one has experienced racism, discrimination, hatred, or violence, we want to offer our support. Our pastoral team would like to be here for you. In addition, we are so grateful to have the support of the newly established Contact Buddy system, under the leadership of Maurine Huang and PPW. We hope this will be a valuable resource for connecting the church during this season.

Your physical, emotional, and spiritual health are our highest priority right now. If you are facing racial or ethnic discrimination, don’t face it alone. Please report any incidents online at http://www.asianpacificpolicyandplanningcouncil.org/stop-aapi-hate/ and reach out to pastoral staff and contact buddies for further support. We hope to support you however we are able.

In Christ,

Pamela, Rola, and Veronica