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July 04, 2020: Claiming Our Imperfections

“I didn’t do it!” Back in the 90s, Bart Simpson charmed and scandalized viewers with his attitude, often playing pranks and talking back to adults, and rarely taking responsibility for his actions. In one episode, Bart finds 15 minutes of fame with the catchphrase “I didn’t do it”. When a kid denies culpability, it may be deemed “sassy” or “cute”. When an adult does it, there is greater cause for concern. What then, of a nation?

Our Christian tradition has important wisdom to offer about our past sins: whether we have committed them recently or in decades past, we are lying to ourselves when we make ourselves out to be perfect. The spiritual dangers are real. When we convince ourselves we are never wrong, we accept the harm we cause to others both by our action and inaction. Refusing to acknowledge and amend our sin is like choosing to sin twice.

The first letter of John in the New Testament says this: “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. But if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness.” Read the Message translation of 1 John 1:1-10 here. God is waiting to offer us mercy. God is calling us to repentance. But we cannot right the wrongs we refuse to acknowledge.

On this anniversary of recognizing America’s independence and self-determination, we must also seek to recognize the sins of our nation, the sins of our ancestors, and our own complicity in the present sins of oppression. How else can we seek forgiveness and reconciliation? This land is hurting. The people are hurting. The very heart of God is hurting with the weight of our nation’s silenced sins. Exploitation of people, animals, and the land. Genocidal policies and slavery. Unjust incarceration on the basis of national and ethnic origin. Treaties which were intended to deceive. Family separation. The subjugation and silencing of women.

Loving our nation and its people requires claiming our imperfections and acknowledging our sins. Worshiping, loving, and honoring the God of all creation requires the same. We cannot tell a false history that distorts our nation into an idol.

Jesus told his followers that the truth would set them free. Let us bring the truth out from the cover of darkness and into the light.

Come, Holy Spirit, heal our land, heal our nation, heal all its inhabitants great and small. Set us free by your light and truth. Amen.