727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Aug 13, 2020: Is There Much We Can Do?

You’ve heard me quote this show before, since there aren’t many TV shows I watch. In “The Good Place” a show exploring life after death, Eleanor, a human, tells Michael, and eternal being: “you like learning about humans right? This is a classic human situation. Your friends are going through something awful and there’s nothing you can do about it.” This quote hit me since last week, watching my people suffer in the news, and feeling helpless. You probably have found yourself in that situation before. It is always intimidating to talk to someone in pain, and it is painful to feel that there’s nothing you can do about it.

Today I am encouraged by this verse from Romans 12:15 “rejoice with those rejoicing, and mourn with those mourning.” It is not always about doing, it is not about seeing the right thing, but it’s about being. Being present, walking along, and in stillness, listen to the pain of others.

I was overwhelmed by the presence of friends and family who stood beside to me and supported me at this time. Those who called, texted, emails, donated, sent prayers, I felt so loved and supported.

Let’s take heart friends, there’s always something we can do!

Prayer: Holy One, give me a heart like Yours to laugh with those who laugh and cry with those who cry.