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Sep 10, 2020: A Prayer for Refugees

As I continue to connect with devastated friends back home and to learn about the hundreds of thousands of individuals who lost houses after the Beirut explosion, I realize the continuous need for prayers for those families.

A prayer for refugees and those working to welcome them, written by Fiona Kendall:

Loving God,

At times things seem bleak and we cannot fathom your purpose. Yet even painful experiences can strengthen us, reveal new truths and engender change. When Joseph was sold into slavery, things were desperate. Yet he was enabled to alter the lives of many, govern wisely and bring healing and hope for all. So we ask for confidence in your purpose and perseverance in our walk with you. We pray that Italy’s leaders would act wisely in responding to COVID-19’s effects on the nation’s health and economy. We pray for those in Italy who have shown strength of character, discipline and concern for others, that they might continue to do so, keeping Italy safe and communities strong.

We pray for those on the margins, for whom hunger, homelessness or exploitation are a reality. We pray for those arriving in small boats across the Mediterranean, exposed to danger, poverty, and hostility. We ask you to strengthen those working to uphold their right to claim asylum and their struggle for dignity. May we not close our eyes to the needy nor, through our actions, perpetuate their vulnerability. In all that we do, may we change lives for the better. Amen.

This prayer fist appeared on the Presbyterian Mission Agency’s (PMA) website.