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Rebel for Justice – Oct 29, 2020

Luke 6:20b: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.”

Okay Jesus let’s talk about that! Shall we?

I grew up poor to lower middle class and lived through adulthood like that but it never bothered me. I lived a fairly good life and was content, mainly because I always was around and knew people who were much poorer.

Today, as I read the news about my country and hear from family and friends I almost cannot believe it! The blast following the country’s worst economic crisis, and accompanied by the pandemic, left around 300,000 people homeless and more than 1 million people below the poverty line, 500,000 of which needing urgent assistance with immediate needs such as food, clothing, and shelter. On top of all that, winter is coming. Winters in the mountains are rough, fuel prices are so high and the currency value so low. Unemployment surpassed 30% and so many people are unable to put food on the table, let alone repair their houses. Needless to say, the government is of no help.

For us on the other side of the world, poverty is definitely put into perspective!

I wonder what the beatitudes speak to the Lebanese people today. How can someone be blessed after they have lost their house? how can they be blessed if they cannot feed their families? how can they be blessed when they’re denied their basic needs.

What about the other ones? The 10% who have millions in their savings, who solicit the resources for themselves, who forge the currency rates, who manipulate the aid coming to the country. What about them Jesus?

My people do not want to poor and blessed. They’ve had enough of poverty, they’ve had enough of need and humiliation. Forgive me Jesus but I want to rebel. I want the kingdom yet I do not want to be poor. I don’t want my people to be poor. I want the justice of your kingdom. I want the redress of your kingdom, for those poor in my country and others like them. I want to rebel! I want your kingdom to have no place for those who have humiliated my people and driven them to hit bottom. Forgive me, Jesus, today I want to rebel. Today, this is my prayer.