727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Our Fondest Farewell to Rola Al Ashkar

Rola Al Ashkar has served Parkview since January 2018 as pastoral resident. We cannot put into words how much she has brought to Parkview. She will start a new ministry at Westminster Presbyterian. You can reach her there: Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1300 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814. We will miss you, Rola! Keep in touch. お元気で。

Video Tribute

Thank you to Judy Fukuman for her beautiful video tribute, which chronicles Rola’s time at Parkview.

Rola’s Farewell Drive-By Party

Here are a few scenes from the drive-by party we held after our Zoom worship service on Sunday, December 27, 2020. Rola gave her final sermon of her residency on this day.