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January 4, 2021: Happy New Year!

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come!”

II Corinthians 5:17

2021 has arrived!  Of all the New Year’s we have experienced, the entire world is a collective spirit when we can say that we are happy that 2020 is behind us.  Each day that goes by will get us closer to normalcy and being able to get close to one another once again.  I came across this prayer that helps embody this sentiment.

May the Lord make my New Year a happy one.

Not by shielding me from sorrow and pain, but by strengthening me to bear it if it comes.

Not by making my path easy, but by making me sturdy enough to tread any path.

Not by taking hardship from me, but by taking all cowardice and fear from my heart as I meet hardships.

Not by granting me unbroken sunshine, but by keeping my face bright even in the shadows.

Not by making my life always pleasant, but by showing me where (humanity) and (God’s) cause need me most and by making me zealous to be there and to help. . . 

God, make my year a happy one.

Guideposts Magazine 

Happy New Year everyone!  Truly…may this be a happy year for us all.