We, the members of Parkview Presbyterian Church, seek to honor our Japanese American heritage wrought out of the unique blend of communal and Christian values, immigrant experience and the suffering of internment. This heritage has shaped us to become a unique family of faith, imbued by a spirit of tenacity, loyalty and genuineness, compassion and solidarity. Rooted in, and committed to the welfare of our Sacramento community, we wish to share this spirit with others in efforts to build a new multi-cultural community of believers committed to their faith in God through Jesus Christ and to the service of God and suffering humankind.
What We Believe
We believe that all people of all backgrounds, ages, orientation and identities are welcome; we believe joy, not guilt, is a good motivator; we believe science should be embraced, not feared; we believe that we should not take ourselves too seriously; we believe we can only set the stage for God’s speaking to us and that we are not ultimately in control; we believe that we are to serve others and that we must advocate for social justice. We believe a congregation only thrives if there is trust. In October 2022, we celebrated our 110th anniversary. This video, prepared by Judy Fukuman for the celebration, showcases how our Parkview Family describes the church.
Parkview’s Name
Parkview has changed its name throughout its history, but we are the same church that believes in a ministry of inclusion. It probably comes as no surprise to you that the church dropped the “Japanese” from its name as one of the lasting effects of the racial injustices our members suffered during World War II.
1912 – Japanese Presbyterian Mission
1920 – Japanese Church of Christ
1946 – Japanese Presbyterian Church
1947 – Parkview Presbyterian Church
Our Pastor
Rev. Dr. Sarah Nave became our pastor as of Tuesday, November 16, 2021. We are so blessed that she has come to Parkview to lead us into a new era of ministry. You can read more about Pastor Sarah in our October 2021 newsletter.
Parkview is a Safe Sanctuary
We believe that everyone should feel safe at Parkview. Click here to read the summary of our safe sanctuary policy.
Sundays 10:00 – 11:00 am
In Person: mask optional. Click here for info.
Via Zoom: click here to join online.
Prayer Requests
What is your prayer need? Being specific will help us focus our prayers.
Support Parkview
Thank your for your generosity in helping us to serve God and others. Use the “Notes” section to make any special requests or to provide extra information. You have the option of using a credit card or bank transfer.
Location/Office Hours
727 T Street
Sacramento, CA 95811
Church Office Hours: by appointment until further notice. Email officemanager@parkviewpc.org or call 916.443.4464 and leave a message.
Our Mission
We, the members of Parkview Presbyterian Church, seek to honor our Japanese American heritage wrought out of the unique blend of communal and Christian values, immigrant experience and the suffering of internment. This heritage has shaped us to become a unique family of faith, imbued by a spirit of tenacity, loyalty and genuineness, compassion and solidarity. Rooted in, and committed to the welfare of our Sacramento community, we wish to share this spirit with others in efforts to build a new multi-cultural community of believers committed to their faith in God through Jesus Christ and to the service of God and suffering humankind.
What We Believe
We believe that all people of all backgrounds, ages, orientation and identities are welcome; we believe joy, not guilt, is a good motivator; we believe science should be embraced, not feared; we believe that we should not take ourselves too seriously; we believe we can only set the stage for God’s speaking to us and that we are not ultimately in control; we believe that we are to serve others and that we must advocate for social justice. We believe a congregation only thrives if there is trust.
In October 2022, we celebrated our 110th anniversary. This video, prepared by Judy Fukuman for the celebration, showcases how our Parkview Family describes the church.
Parkview’s Name
Parkview has changed its name throughout its history, but we are the same church that believes in a ministry of inclusion. It probably comes as no surprise to you that the church dropped the “Japanese” from its name as one of the lasting effects of the racial injustices our members suffered during World War II.
Our Pastor
Rev. Dr. Sarah Nave became our pastor as of Tuesday, November 16, 2021. We are so blessed that she has come to Parkview to lead us into a new era of ministry. You can read more about Pastor Sarah in our October 2021 newsletter.
Parkview is a Safe Sanctuary
We believe that everyone should feel safe at Parkview. Click here to read the summary of our safe sanctuary policy.
Sundays 10:00 – 11:00 am
In Person: mask optional. Click here for info.
Via Zoom: click here to join online.
Prayer Requests
What is your prayer need? Being specific will help us focus our prayers.
Support Parkview
Thank your for your generosity in helping us to serve God and others. Use the “Notes” section to make any special requests or to provide extra information. You have the option of using a credit card or bank transfer.
Location/Office Hours
727 T Street
Sacramento, CA 95811
Church Office Hours: by appointment until further notice. Email officemanager@parkviewpc.org or call 916.443.4464 and leave a message.