727 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 officemanager@parkviewpc.org 916.443.4464

Sep 14, 2020: Lonely

As I was preparing for this a friend texted me and told me about their loneliness. It is the second time I hear this word today. With the virus keeping us distant and the fires keeping us inside,… Read More

Sep 12, 2020: Music and Mystery

One of my favorite ways to connect with God is through music. The Christian tradition celebrates music as an important component of our worship. I wanted to share this musical piece written by Hildegard von Bingen, a twelfth… Read More

September 11, 2020

“One Lord, one faith, one baptism” Ephesians 4:5 Last Sunday, I had the distinct honor to baptize Irene Uno.  She said that she had thought about being baptized for a number of years and that now seemed the perfect… Read More

Sep 10, 2020: Rest!

Mark 4: 38: Jesus was inside the boat, sleeping with his head on a pillow. The followers went and woke him. They said, “Teacher, don’t you care about us? We are going to drown!” As part of my… Read More

Sep 10, 2020: A Prayer for Refugees

As I continue to connect with devastated friends back home and to learn about the hundreds of thousands of individuals who lost houses after the Beirut explosion, I realize the continuous need for prayers for those families. A… Read More

Sep 09, 2020: Miraculous

Poem: Miraculous, by Delores Williams from I Am Affirmations

September 8, 2020: Pink Heart

“Beloved, let us love one another.” 1 John 4:7 The first virtual Burning Man ended last night.  And when I think about this past week, I think to myself, “I was so made for Burning Man.  Or rather…Burning Man was… Read More